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Workshop Syllabus

Part 1: The Brain Science of Executive Functioning & What it Means for You

Welcome and Introductions

Session 1: What is Executive Functioning?: An Insider’s Guide (8:15 AM – 8:45 AM)

Get an insider’s look into Executive Function Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Arshya Vahabzadeh, MD. In this session, you will explore the Brain Science of Executive Function, as well as simple ways of measuring Executive Function.

Practical Application Workshop


Session 2: What should Executive Functioning Look Like in Your Classroom?

Veteran educator, Rebecca Berry, and Brain Power’s Michelle Donahue invite you to explore some of the most common myths related to Executive Function in the classroom. Additionally, you will learn about Executive Function specifically in relation to YOUR students! What should Executive Function look like for the students in your classroom?

Practical Application Workshop


Part 2: Practical Executive Functioning Strategies for your Classroom

Session 1: Challenged Students: Executive Functioning in the Neurodiverse

Brain Power founder and CEO, Dr. Ned Sahin, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Arshya Vahabzadeh, MD, will explain the damaging effects that trauma can have on students’ executive functioning capabilities. Additionally, you will learn about executive functioning deficits in neurodiverse students, specifically those with Autism and ADHD.

Discussion and Practical Application Workshop

Session 2: Challenging Moments in the Classroom

Hear from veteran educator, Rebecca Berry, on the topic of classroom behavior. Are your students simply acting out, or is there an underlying cause related to executive functioning? Additionally, Rebecca will share some teaching points from her years of experience working with special education students and inclusive classrooms.

 Discussion and Practical Application Workshop


Session 3: Deep Dive into Executive Functioning in the Classroom

Our workshop will end with a deep dive into some of the proven tools and strategies to support your students in their executive function development in both the classroom and remote learning environments. Take away time-saving strategies that you can apply with your students tomorrow! What Really Works: Proven Strategies for your Students.

Discussion and Practical Application Workshop

Workshop Wrap Up

Attendees will hear from Dr. Arshya Vahabzadeh and the Brain Power team on some highlights from the workshop. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the workshop, and will receive a preview of the Executive Function Playbook and Certificate of Completion (both to be sent to participants after the workshop).

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