AMLE Attendees Get $500 of PD Content for Free
Enable your Teachers with Online, Self-Paced PD Courses
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Description of Product
PD a-la-Carte
- Flexible license: Redeemable for any current or future PD course at Brain Power Academy.
- Each license allows one teacher full access to one course. (For example, 25 teachers benefiting from 4 online PDs each would be 100 licenses.)
- 10 professional development hours (points/credits) are awarded per PowerPD, plus an official certificate. (We are a certified PD provider.)
- Courses are self-paced, online, and can be completed any time.
- Licenses must be assigned to teachers within one year. Teachers can return any time to re-watch videos, or to download worksheets, certificate of completion, practical exercises, and other digital / printable materials.
PD Party (Full Day)
- One full day of professional development training consisting of online learning, live presentations, and interactive question and answer sessions.
- Each license allows one teacher to attend the entire facilitated PD day, and grants access to all pre-work, post-work, and archive of resources.
- 10 professional development hours (points/credits) are awarded per PD day, plus an official certificate. (We are a certified High Quality PD Provider.)
- Teachers retain access to the online content permanently, and can return to it at any time.
PD Party (Half Day)
- One half day of professional development training consisting of online learning, live presentations, and interactive question and answer sessions.
- Each license allows one teacher to attend the entire facilitated PD session, and grants access to all pre-work, post-work, and archive of resources.
- 5 professional development hours (points/credits) are awarded per half-day PD, plus an official certificate. (We are a certified High Quality PD Provider.)
- Teachers retain access to the online content permanently, and can return to it at any time.
PD Party (2 Hour Session)
- Two hours of professional development training consisting of online learning, live presentations, and interactive question and answer sessions.
- Each license allows one teacher to attend the entire facilitated PD session, and grants access to all pre-work, post-work, and archive of resources.
- 4 professional development hours (points/credits) are awarded per 2-hour PD session (taking into account the pre-work and post-work). An official certificate will be issued to all participants. (We are a certified High Quality PD Provider.)
- Teachers retain access to the online content permanently, and can return to it at any time.
PD Year
- One full year schedule of professional development training consisting of online learning, live presentations and interactive question and answer sessions.
- Each license allows one teacher to attend all sessions for the entire year and also includes unlimited access to all of our online content
- Includes three full day PD days (or six half-days, or any combination)
- 10 professional development hours (points/credits) are awarded per PD day, plus an official certificate. (We are a certified PD provider.)
- Includes 24/7 access to our entire library of online PD content for all teachers, offering an additional 10 PD hours for each online course completed.
- Teachers retain access to the online content permanently, and can return to it at any time.
- All PD days must be held within one year of purchase order.
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Member Individual Ticket
- For individual attendees who are members of PAMLE.
- Please select quantity required.
- Price includes PAMLE member discount of $50 off.
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Non-Member Individual Ticket
- For individual attendees who are not members of PAMLE.
- Please select quantity required.
- Sign up to become a member of PAMLE and receive a $50 discount!
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Member Team Ticket
- For groups of up to five attendees who are members of PAMLE.
- Price includes PAMLE member discount of $300 off.
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Non-Member Team Ticket
- For groups of up to five attendees who are not members of PAMLE.
- Sign up to become a member of PAMLE and receive a $300 discount!
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Member Group Ticket
- For groups of up to ten attendees who are members of PAMLE.
- Price includes PAMLE member discount of $400 off.
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
PAMLE Executive Functioning PD Party - PAMLE Non-Member Group Ticket
- For groups of up to ten attendees who are not members of PAMLE.
- Sign up to become a member of PAMLE and receive a $400 discount!
- Attendees receive 10 hours towards your ACT 48 ongoing education requirements
Teacher Licenses
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Certified PD Provider
Your teachers will earn 10 High-Quality PD (HQPD) hours / credits for each PowerPD they complete!
You probably don’t need to be reminded that 2 out of 3 teachers are considering quitting the profession after the grueling 2020. The Department of Education has published data showing that teacher PD increases not only student outcomes but teacher job satisfaction.
Brain Power Academy is an approved provider of High Quality Professional Development (HQPD). Our courses count toward your teachers’ requirements to renew their teaching licenses.
We are certified in several categories of HQPD that are very sought after and hard to find, including “Special Education” and “Comprehensive Health”. Our courses are designed to help your teachers grow in their profession. This can increase their job satisfaction, and improve their morale as they learn new online and in-person teaching methods to guide their students to reach their full potential.
Don’t take our word for it – Hear from fellow educators:
How is Brain Power Academy PD Different?
- Online, self-paced PD.
- Immersive, interactive, and fun.
- Practical: filled with unique exercises you can implement tomorrow, and downloadable resources.
- No more PowerPoint! Engaging videos of our teaching staff speaking, with explanatory animations right on the video.
- Developed and taught by teachers, neuroscientists, doctors, education experts, and education software experts.
- Certified. Hours count for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) requirements, e.g. for re-licensure.
- Certificate of completion you can download any time.
- Based in the science of the brain, and the latest research on effective teaching.
- Inclusive: Special Ed, RTI, and General Ed approaches.
- We surveyed and studied the needs of thousands of K12 teachers: for PD to give your teaching team the credits they need, and the topics they want.
- We focus on the needs of the “whole teacher”. This includes techniques and resources for your classroom; and also tips for your career development and moral.
- All PDs are dual-purpose: Useful for distance teaching and in-person
-We Use Advanced Video-
No more PowerPoint! Our newest PDs use our own Affective Mental Immersion method.
Traditional e-courses make you choose between lifeless slides and a talking-head video that has no mnemonic content to follow except spoken words.
In our immersion you see and connect with a trained instructor (often with a PhD or MD) and at the same time you see advanced video and graphical content embedded directly into the videos. This increases accessibility for different types of learners, and you will feel a better connection with the subject matter and its presenter.
Examples of our What Your Teachers will Get
Below are brief summaries of several of our “PowerPD” as well as “Brain Bite” courses that have been most popular with K-12 public school teachers.
“PowerPD” courses are designed to empower your teachers with highly-practical, self-paced online PD focused on the needs of today and tomorrow. Your teachers will receive 10 hours or credits or points for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) for each PowerPD they complete.
Stress Management:
For Teachers & Their Students
Distance Learning for Special Education:
Tips & Hacks
IEP Goal Tracking: Remote and In-Person
IEP goal tracking is always hard – and now made worse by distance learning platforms and by the lag in IEP progress in students transitioning back. Here you will gain proven tools and strategies for digital IEP goal tracking and progress reporting.
SEL and Distance Learning: Empowering Your Students
“Brain Bite” Course Examples
Brain Bite: “How to Talk to Students About Scary News and Difficult Topics”
Brain Bite: “Engaging Students with ADHD”
Brain Bite: “Tapping Into Student Motivation”
We are proud of our close partnerships with leading entities, and grateful for their help in shaping the company and our offerings.
Our Team
Brain Power is a team of former teachers, neuroscience PhDs, child and adult psychiatrists, world-class software engineers, managers, employees with autism, bright high school and college interns, and an overall diverse and passionate team! Our several products (Empowered Brain, fastIEP, Brain Power Academy, PowerENGAGE, etc) were born of the vision of our founder Dr. Ned T. Sahin. We are all here to help you. In these uncertain times, we also rely on your help. Please will you spread the word?
As always, our mission is to “Empower Every Brain”!
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